Puppy’s First Night Home

The First Day and Night You Bring Your New Puppy Home The first night home for your puppy will not be easy because it is unfamiliar territory with new faces and things. Mixed emotions and excitement about finding the perfect

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Choosing a Good Name for Your Cavoodle

Choosing a name for your Cavoodle is one of the most pleasant, if challenging experiences that many dog owners face. You want the name to be short, unique, easy to remember, and reflect the personality of your puppy. For many

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Car Travel Safety for Cavoodles

Although you may not be aware of them, many states have laws on the books about safely transporting animals such as dogs. In addition, all states have laws about leaving animals in your vehicle when parked, and virtually all states

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How to Teach a Cavoodle to Shake Hands


The good news for those who want to teach their Cavoodle puppy to shake hands is that it is one of the easiest tricks for them to learn. This is because reaching out with their paws is a natural reaction

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How to Toilet Train a Cavoodle Puppy

Cavoodle Puppy with toys

Cavoodle puppies are cute, well to rephrase that, they are probably the cutest puppies on earth. Yes, they are THAT cute! However, like any other puppy, they need to be housetrained. Fail to do so, and you can easily become

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Teaching a Cavoodle to Fetch

Chevromist Red Cavoodle puppy -CHFRF1

How to Teach a Puppy to Retrieve Part of being a responsible dog owner involves training your puppy to be well-behaved in all situations. We all know that puppies love to play and have fun, which is why some training

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Famous Cavoodle Owners

Cavoodles have become the favourite breed of many families right across Australia and the world and here are just a few of their more famous owners! Julia Gillard The former Prime Minister of Australia was given a Cavoodle (Reuben) by

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Desexing a Cavoodle

Bella the Cavoodle from Chevromist

Whу Desexing (Sрау/Nеutеr) Iѕ Gооd Fоr A Cavoodle A female (bіtсh) Cavoodle thаt hаѕ reached thе age оf 7 mоnthѕ (and sometimes earlier) іѕ сараblе of rерrоduсіng. In one ѕіnglе litter, she can give birth to uр tо 10 рuрріеѕ.

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Collar for a Cavoodle

Cavoodle Puppy School

Most Cavoodle breeders will not have their Cavoodle puppies wearing collars as part of their normal days before you pick them up. The exceptions to this are Cavoodle breeders that identify different pups in the litter by giving them different

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How to Teach your Cavoodle his Name

Chevromist Cavoodle Puppy learning name

Tеасhіng a Cavoodle puppy hіѕ nаmе іѕ аn еѕѕеntіаl рrосеѕѕ. If уоur рuрру rеѕроndѕ tо his nаmе, уоu can gаіn hіѕ аttеntіоn for futurе training. Addіtіоnаllу, you саn рrоtесt him from dаngеr аnd have a more hаrmоnіоuѕ hоuѕеhоld. Onе оf

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The Cavoodle book